Inn Town is a private, verified community exclusively for creatives, models and recommended members.

We facilitate the rental of homes, co - living spaces, boutique hotels, studio and location spaces to our vetted clients.

Guests coming via Inn Town are creatives, models or recommended users that have either been verified as an individual or who have been booked into one of our spaces by their representative/company who has been verified.

Home hosts with Inn Town are either creative or recommended individuals who want to rent out their entire home, spare room or personal room whilst they travel.

Co - living and Boutique hosts are specific spaces that we feel have mutually beneficial rooms and services to offer our network to stay in.

Partnered spaces are spaces and businesses that are offering a service that may be needed by our network. These include studio spaces, location homes, event spaces etc. We offer these spaces with exclusive rates to our network of guests, clients and home hosts.

BENEFITS of hosting with inn town

Inn Town is free to use as an approved host in any form. We do not charge our hosts any kind of service fee.

We manage the entire booking process until the organisation of arrival times so you don’t have to do anything!

Provide in depth area information for the guests

Relay house rules and information to the guests before they’ve moved in so they know what is expected in your home.

We are hands on during the entire process and will meet you before you become a host.

We can be contacted directly throughout the booking process and the stay with any questions or concerns.

We handle complaints within 48 hours and work directly with you to find the best solution possible. Guests are never automatically refunded in the case of a complaint against a host, Inn Town always investigates first.